Tuesday, July 1, 2008

So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish!

At the risk of alienating my two regular readers (hello, RK and Dad!), and being removed from the one blogroll that lists me (thanks, Frank) – Our Heroine is going on summer hiatus. In general, I don’t read fancy books during the summer - but I do get obsessed with sundresses - and thus my blog takes a sharp turn for the frivolous. Last year someone tetchily commented in July, “I don’t like the direction this blog has taken.” Y’all, I sympathize, but I can’t think deep thoughts when it’s so hot outside and just keeping my hair under control takes about 5 hours a day.

So, I’ll be back in September, and I just might tackle The Divine Comedy if y'all don’t watch yourselves.

Hugs and kisses!


Yo! SLB Raps said...

But you were on a roll...

Perhaps you can combine the two topics, and discuss what sundress is appropriate to wear when reading about Homer.

Anonymous said...

I like that idea. Or what modern-day fashions the characters would have worn. Come back! Come back!

Frank said...
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Frank said...

well, this will definitely take your blog off Probation

Anonymous said...

no fair.
I don't read you for a week and now you are going off somewhere with your sundresses...

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for you to return to your rightful postings.

Love Dad