The Five Worst Dinosaur Movies of All Time
Here's an example of their thinking:
Carnosaur III: [snip] An American special ops team is sent in to clean up, but since the dinosaurs are said to be indestructible (the reason why is never made clear), the remainder of the film mostly involves soldiers being shredded by dinosaur puppets. The director left things open for a fourth installment, but mercifully the series was left to wither.
What? I don't see the problem here. Indestructible dinosaurs, the result of a black-ops experiment, are on a rampage? How could that be bad? It's actually pretty prescient, if you ask me (you did not ask me). Whatever, go and read it yourself and see what you think. I have made my opinion clear.
HOWEVER, someone in the comments suggests that something called Raptor Island should be on the list. How is this possible? Who would be so foolish? People, I've said it before and will say it again, RAPTORS CAN OPEN DOORS AND THEY WILL NOT BE MOCKED.
Remember when I said that I thought I loved you?
You just defended Raptor Island.
I think now that I must.
It was purely self-interested! When the raptors come to be our reptilian overlords, I want it on record that I defended Raptor Island.
We're being hunted....Clever girl.
BMT, I can't figure out how to embed this in the comments, but this .jpg is for you:!.jpg
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